ABC1583 Rubber Seat Bumper

ABC1583 Rubber Seat Bumper
Price: $14.99
Item Number: ABC1583

ABC1583 Rubber Seat Bumper

MF Miscellaneous - Fits: MF Skidder: 220, MF Swather: 34, 36 Massey Ferguson - Fits: MF Industrial: 20C, 30, 30B, 30D, 31, 40B, 50C, 50D, MF Ag Tractor: 50 (using a Knoedler float-a-Matic seat with metal bushing. Ag: SN: 533414 & up), MF Industrial: 20, 50, 50A, [ MF Tractor: 1080, 135, 150, 165, 175, 180, 230, 235, 245, 255, 265, 275, 285, 95 (using a Knoedler float-a-Matic seat with metal bushing) ], 65 (using a Knoedler float-a-Matic seat with metal bushing SN: 692932 & up); Replaces: 1015879M1

Minneapolis Moline - Fits: [ G1000, G707, G708, G900, GVI, JetStar, M602, M604, 4 Star, 4 Star Super (With a Knoedler seat) ], G705 (With a Knoedler seat (Diesel up to sn 23900898) and (Gas up to SN: 23800590)), G706 (With a Knoedler seat (LP up to sn 24100549)), M670 (With a Knoedler seat and Gas, LP (up to sn 29903579 and 2990445 and after) and Diesel, (up to sn 30001634 and sn 30002060 and after)), U302 (with group 1 seat); Replaces: 10P1670 1.465 length 0.635 thick