IHS4650 Safety Valve Bushing Tension Spring - 0.664" I.D.
IHS4661 Pressure Regulator Valve Tension Spring - .700" I.D.
IHS5508 Hydraulic Manifold Gasket - USA Made
MHSK1 Deck Stabilizer Kit
IHS5858 Flow Control Valve Ball Spring - Fits Super A, C, Super C, Cub, 200, 230, 240, 300, 330, 340, 350, 354, 365, 384, 400, 424, 444, 450, 460, 560, 660 - USA Made
IHS6149 Hydraulic Pump - Cessna Style Pump
IHS6514 Farmall Cork Implement Bolt Hole Plug Kit
IHS5058 IHC 2-1/2" X 8" Cylinder O-Ring and Seal Kit
IHS1924 Hydraulic Pump Gear - 16 Teeth, Gas, w/ 9 GPM side engine mounted pump
IHS3511 Thompson Hydraulic Pump Gasket, O-Ring and Seal Kit - Repairs Thompson pump #'s 360945R91 and 360945R92 hydraulic pumps. 9 piece kit
IHS4243 Hydraulic Pump Mounting Gasket & O-Ring Kit - USA MADE
IHS3077 Fast Hitch Pin with Ball and Handle - 3/4" O.D. and the length is 4-1/2" long (pin only).
MIS4560 Hitch Pin 7/8" x 6-1/2"
MIS4555 Hitch Pin 3/4" x 6-1/2"
MIS4563 Hitch Pin 1" x 7-1/2"
ABC1433 Lift Arm / Top Link Reducer Bushing - For tractors with Category 2 3 PT hitch switching to category 1 3PT. ***7/8" ID --- 1-1/8" OD --- 1-3/8" overall Length***
IHS3014 3-Point Hitch Kit - For tractors without Fast Hitch Category 1
IHS830 Crank Handle For Lift Arm Screw
MIS119 3 Point Lynch Pin - 0.420" dia. pin 1-5/8" useable length 1-5/8" dia. ring For use with all 3-point equipped tractors and/or implements using 7/16" dia. Pins
ABC1427 3 Point Top Link Pin - Category 1, 3/4" O.D., 4-3/4" useable length, 6-1/2" overall length
ABC1429 3 Point Top Link Pin - Category 2, 1" O.D., 4-1/2" useable length, 6" overall length
ABC1431 Toplink Pin - For tractors using category 1 3-point hitch 3/4" diameter 2-3/4" useable length 4-5/8" overall length
S.8700 IH 8700 Series ISO Conversion Kit
GG100 - Hydraulic Pressure Testing Gauge - 100 lbs.
GG300 - Hydraulic Pressure Testing Gauge - 300 lbs.
GG400 - Hydraulic Pressure Testing Gauge - 400 lbs.
GG600 - Hydraulic Pressure Testing Gauge - 600 lbs.
GG1500 - Hydraulic Pressure Testing Gauge - 1500 lbs.
GG2000 - Hydraulic Pressure Testing Gauge - 2000 lbs.