IHS141 Generator Belt

IHS141 Generator Belt
Price: $15.99
Item Number: IHS141

IHS141 Generator Belt

International / Farmall - Fits: I6, M, MTA, O6, OS6, Super M, Super MTA, Super MV, Super MVTA, Super W6, Super W6TA, T6, W400, W450, W6, [ 2444, 444 (w/ BD-154 diesel engine) ], 400, 450; Replaces: 49341D

Fits John Deere - [ AO, AR (SN: 260000 to 271399) ]; Replaces: A2745R

Minneapolis Moline - Fits: R, RTE, RTI, RTN, RTS, RTU, U (WITH 283 CUBIC INCH ENGINE), [ U, UT (up to SN: 1905452) ], Z, ZA, ZAE, ZAN, ZAS, ZAU, ZB, ZBE, ZBN; Replaces: KE1112

1/2" x 33-1/4" (all with Delco generator)